European Commission regularly "dawn raids" businesses across the European Union (EU) to try to uncover evidence of anti-competitive deals, abuse of dominance and unlawful State aid. These dawn raids are surprise unannounced visits by a team of European Commission inspectors.
BrexitWith 59 days to go until B-Day, it is still not clear what will happen. Among the several plates which are spinning are: The UK's House of Commons is still voting on what the UK should do next. There is expected to be another "meaningful vote" over the next few weeks on whether to accept the draft withdrawal agreement but in the interim, parliament is considering a series of procedural votes...
BrexitThe impact of Brexit will be keenly felt in Ireland regarding the provision of services generally (including financial services).
BrexitFollowing the decision of the House of Commons on 15 January 2019 to reject the draft Brexit Withdrawal Agreement between the EU and the UK, what happens now?
BrexitIn a decision handed down on 5 December last, the Court of Appeal (Irvine J, Whelan J and Baker J) has dismissed an appeal brought by a creditor of Bank of Ireland Private Banking (BOIPB) against a merger, in which A&L Goodbody was involved, of BOIPB with the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (BOI).
Companies ActA&L Goodbody has published our annual review of merger deals notified to Ireland's Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) in 2018.
EU, Competition & ProcurementA&L Goodbody partner Dr Vincent Power’s paper describing the lessons so far from Brexit, has been published in the Irish Journal of European Law.
BrexitHow will cross border services provided to the UK be treated in a no Brexit deal scenario
BrexitThe UK invoked the exit procedure under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union in March 2017. Unless the UK's decision is withdrawn or the period is extended, this will become effective in a little over 80 days.
BrexitDr Vincent Power, Partner, A&L Goodbody's EU, Competition & Procurement Group published a short article on the Irish competition/antitrust law regime relating to abuse of dominance/monopolization in the December 2018 issue of the American Bar Association's International Antitrust Bulletin.
EU, Competition & ProcurementThere are 16 weekends to go to B-Day which is scheduled for 29 March 2019. We would not rule out a late deal – which is the way the EU typically does deals. Nonetheless, it is useful to know about, and where to find the latest on, the Irish, UK and EU no-deal Brexit planning.
Betting, Gaming & LicensingThe Council of the EU adopted the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council to empower the competition authorities of the Member States to be more effective enforcers...
EU, Competition & Procurement