
A&L Goodbody strives to be a business that attracts and progresses talent based on abilities. A core area of our diversity and inclusion programme is disability. 

The Accessibility Committee at ALG focuses on raising awareness and understanding about accessibility in our business, our market and our society. This helps us to work together to make our firm accessible and inclusive, and ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to reach their full potential. 

We have organised a number of disability themed internal events. At one of our recent events, we had a panel of speakers (pictured above) who included John Fulham (President, Paralympics Ireland) Davinia Brennan (ALG Associate and member of Disability Committee), Adam Harris (CEO, AsIAm) and Seònaid O'Murchadha (Disability Employment Specialist). Each member of the panel spoke openly about their own disability and shared their experiences of what it is like to live with a disability from a personal and professional perspective. 

Pictured above are some of the members of our Disability Committee; L-R: Brian O'Malley, Associate, Sinead Smith, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Ross Moore, Partner and D&I Lead, Ian White, Director of Strategy and Business Transformation. Missing from the photo are Tomas Murphy, General Services Assistant, Louise Hanley, PA and Maria Panza, PA.

Click here to hear a podcast of the event.

Click here to download the transcript.

Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities

We are proud supporters of the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID).  We support TCPID through funding and work experience opportunities for their graduates. To date, we have provided six graduates with eight weeks' work experience, one graduate with a three month internship and one graduate with a permanent role in our business.

Click here to see a video of our partnership with TCPID which was created 2016. 

Accessibility Officer

Aisling Mooney Eddy is our Accessibility Officer. She is ALG's Talent Director and is the main point of contact for any employee or potential employee who has a disability or is in need of additional supports. This may include persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, neurodiverse, or mental health conditions.

Aisling's role is to provide, arrange and coordinate assistance and guidance in accessing services in our firm. These services may include IT assistance, additional ergonomic supports or access to information. She will also ensure compliance with the Disability Act 2005 and address any of these above mentioned barriers to access for all ALG employees.